Need a full-time multi-purpose worker? We’re here to help! Our High Touch Smiles™ division was created by an Amazon seller for other online sellers. Our workers are people we would hire to work for us. They are vetted, trained and supervised by eGrowth Partners® the most experienced team in Amazon compliance, reinstatement and growth services.
Many of our clients use our workers to keep their seller accounts compliant, monitor for problems and a wide range of administrative tasks within their businesses. Want a team of executive assistants for your leadership team? Need a personal assistant for yourself? Hire someone who understands your world of selling online from Day 1.
Your team member will be college educated and speak fluent English. They can handle almost any task from their computer, and they will work during your hours – no more late-night calls overseas!
For a fraction of the cost of a US-based worker, you can have a highly trained, hard working and polite helper – or a whole team!
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