Terms of Service - Expedited Account Reinstatement

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eGrowth Partners Client Agreement

These Terms of Services below apply equally to services purchased from eGrowth Partners and our sister company High Touch Smiles.

  1. You are paying for our time and expertise. There is no guarantee that Amazon will accept your appeal or respond appropriately.

  2. There are no refunds once work has begun.

  3. Our reinstatement services are generally broken into two pieces – assessment and appeal. If, during the assessment, we determine that your chances are poor, we will inform you and not charge for an appeal unless you tell us to try anyway.

  4. If we have already reviewed your case and think your chances are low, yet you still want us to work on the appeal letter for you, we will, unless it becomes apparent that we cannot move forward. In this case, should reinstatement be denied, refunds will not be issued.

  5. If you are reinstated before we write our appeal, we will only charge you for our time to date and refund any excess. Once we have written an appeal or completed the task you have assigned us, there are no refunds.

  6. If there is a conflict between this agreement and the contract you sign with us for retainer-based work or employee hires, the contract will take priority.

  7. If you provide us with forged or manipulated documents, we will not be successful. If you have previously provided AMAZON with manipulated documents, we may be able to help you depending on the situation.

  8. You must inform your consultant of everything you have done previously to get reinstated so we can be effective.

  9. Unless you have paid for expedite services with 24-hour turnaround, the typical time between sign up and a consultant contacting you about your case is 2-3 days, depending on workload.

  10. All our consultants have assistants. You will be given the assistant’s information after a consultant is assigned, and the assistant will help arrange calls, coordinate documents, etc.

We do everything in our power to reinstate our clients and to fix their problems. We will write multiple appeals and try multiple avenues to get you the result you want. When we have exhausted all our resources, we will inform you by email and stop work. You understand and agree that you are not due a refund at this point and that we are paid for our time and expertise on your case.

We respect our client’s confidentiality. We recognize that we have access to private account information, and we take steps to protect your account and your information, including but not limited to:

  • Clients can upload documents to our portal and update their personal information, but they cannot access any database information for any other client.

  • We have safe password processes that require us to update our passwords quarterly. We use LastPass to create long passwords with numbers, capital and small letters, and symbols.

  • All our team members sign confidentiality agreements. We also have a detailed description of what constitutes a trade secret, and they agree that they are not allowed to disclose this information if they leave.

When working inside a client account we take the following precautions:

  • We use a unique email for every single client account. This unique email does not show up in any other Amazon account.

  • We have limited access to client accounts. We can’t view or change sensitive data like bank accounts, for example.

  • The client can remove our access at any time.

  • We do not use client logins unless they give them to us for a specific purpose – like setting ourselves up the first time.

  • We use two-step verification at all times. There are no “safe” browsers as far as we are concerned.

  • We use LastPass which means we can provide our team with logins where they cannot see the password.

  • We use a VPN at all times to make sure our online work for you is secure and encrypted.

Our consultants regularly discuss client cases among themselves to brainstorm and find best solutions. You agree that this is not a breach of confidentiality.

Members of our company are interviewed frequently, speak at conferences, write books and blogs, and participate in social media. We do not disclose the names of our clients without written permission. We will, however, use situations to help explain how Amazon works. We take pains to change minor details like gender, dates, categories, etc., so that no specific client can be identified from our examples. We often will mix several client situations together to make our point. You agree that this is not a breach of confidentiality.

Because client situations are similar (many sellers are taken down for inauthentic complaints, for example), you may think that we are talking about you. Most likely we are not. We are happy to talk with you about how we discuss client situations. Please direct any questions about confidentiality to: confidential@egrowthpartners.com.

By signing this document, you agree to the Terms of Service described above.  

By paying the fee, you certify that you are an authorized user of the credit card used and that you will not dispute the payment with your credit card company so long as the transaction corresponds to the Terms of Service described above.


Terms of Service - Expedited Account Reinstatement

Expedited Account Reinstatement
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eGrowth Partners Client Agreement

These Terms of Services below apply equally to services purchased from eGrowth Partners and our sister company High Touch Smiles.

  1. You are paying for our time and expertise. There is no guarantee that Amazon will accept your appeal or respond appropriately.

  2. There are no refunds once work has begun.

  3. Our reinstatement services are generally broken into two pieces – assessment and appeal. If, during the assessment, we determine that your chances are poor, we will inform you and not charge for an appeal unless you tell us to try anyway.

  4. If we have already reviewed your case and think your chances are low, yet you still want us to work on the appeal letter for you, we will, unless it becomes apparent that we cannot move forward. In this case, should reinstatement be denied, refunds will not be issued.

  5. If you are reinstated before we write our appeal, we will only charge you for our time to date and refund any excess. Once we have written an appeal or completed the task you have assigned us, there are no refunds.

  6. If there is a conflict between this agreement and the contract you sign with us for retainer-based work or employee hires, the contract will take priority.

  7. If you provide us with forged or manipulated documents, we will not be successful. If you have previously provided AMAZON with manipulated documents, we may be able to help you depending on the situation.

  8. You must inform your consultant of everything you have done previously to get reinstated so we can be effective.

  9. Unless you have paid for expedite services with 24-hour turnaround, the typical time between sign up and a consultant contacting you about your case is 2-3 days, depending on workload.

  10. All our consultants have assistants. You will be given the assistant’s information after a consultant is assigned, and the assistant will help arrange calls, coordinate documents, etc.

We do everything in our power to reinstate our clients and to fix their problems. We will write multiple appeals and try multiple avenues to get you the result you want. When we have exhausted all our resources, we will inform you by email and stop work. You understand and agree that you are not due a refund at this point and that we are paid for our time and expertise on your case.

We respect our client’s confidentiality. We recognize that we have access to private account information, and we take steps to protect your account and your information, including but not limited to:

  • Clients can upload documents to our portal and update their personal information, but they cannot access any database information for any other client.

  • We have safe password processes that require us to update our passwords quarterly. We use LastPass to create long passwords with numbers, capital and small letters, and symbols.

  • All our team members sign confidentiality agreements. We also have a detailed description of what constitutes a trade secret, and they agree that they are not allowed to disclose this information if they leave.

When working inside a client account we take the following precautions:

  • We use a unique email for every single client account. This unique email does not show up in any other Amazon account.

  • We have limited access to client accounts. We can’t view or change sensitive data like bank accounts, for example.

  • The client can remove our access at any time.

  • We do not use client logins unless they give them to us for a specific purpose – like setting ourselves up the first time.

  • We use two-step verification at all times. There are no “safe” browsers as far as we are concerned.

  • We use LastPass which means we can provide our team with logins where they cannot see the password.

  • We use a VPN at all times to make sure our online work for you is secure and encrypted.

Our consultants regularly discuss client cases among themselves to brainstorm and find best solutions. You agree that this is not a breach of confidentiality.

Members of our company are interviewed frequently, speak at conferences, write books and blogs, and participate in social media. We do not disclose the names of our clients without written permission. We will, however, use situations to help explain how Amazon works. We take pains to change minor details like gender, dates, categories, etc., so that no specific client can be identified from our examples. We often will mix several client situations together to make our point. You agree that this is not a breach of confidentiality.

Because client situations are similar (many sellers are taken down for inauthentic complaints, for example), you may think that we are talking about you. Most likely we are not. We are happy to talk with you about how we discuss client situations. Please direct any questions about confidentiality to: confidential@egrowthpartners.com.

By signing this document, you agree to the Terms of Service described above.  

By paying the fee, you certify that you are an authorized user of the credit card used and that you will not dispute the payment with your credit card company so long as the transaction corresponds to the Terms of Service described above.
